For Parents

Your child should have access to an acoustic piano for home practise.

The Suzuki method is different from traditional teaching methods. Parents are the driving force behind the Suzuki method in the early years. The practising parent attends lessons and brings a dedicated notebook to write in. Parents lead the daily home practice, using their notes as a guide. (Parents need not be trained musicians!)

Daily listening is required, and once again, parents are in charge of this.

Payment is made termly by bank transfer before the first lesson of the term. My terms line up with Oxfordshire’s terms.

If you need to miss a lesson, please email me as soon as possible. Missed lessons must be made up within the same term.

Group lessons begin once individual lessons are in place. Missed group lessons cannot be made up.

Support materials are in addition to lesson fees (books and CDs).

Families should join the British Suzuki Music Association (annual fee £45).

Concerts will be held at the end of each term. Frequent performance helps us bulid confidence. Everyone plays and then we eat cake!

Good Reads

Nurtured by Love by Shinichi Suzuki

Ability Development from Age Zero by Shinichi Suzuki

Want Smarter Kids? Teach Music, Not Coding, According to MIT